Apr 18, 2011

Aubrey's Undies #3 - Imse Vimse Trainers and Aristocrats Wool Soakers

Aubrey is now 3 and has been day trained for some time, but with her kidney problems having an easy to use night time solution was hard to find.  It was important that we use something that would breathe well, but still help keep her sheets and bed dry at night.  Most important for her was that she was able to use it by herself!  So when she needed to get to the bathroom quickly she could easily pull them down and make it on time.

Aubrey will tell you that she loves her big girl undies!  She loves the fun designs and that they pull on just like her big sisters undies do.  I love how trim they are, fitting easily under her clothes.  ImseVimse Training Pants are functional and stylish and are made with organic cotton.

What are they made of?
Organic cotton knit outside with two layers of absorbent organic cotton terry on the inside, and one inner layer of PUL. ImseVimse training pants absorb just enough to protect clothes from getting wet when small accidents happen.

Although they are recommended for day-time use only, we add an aristocrats wool cover for the perfect nap time and overnight combo.

Aristocrats pure wool pull on diaper cover is made of stretchy, double layered knit wool.  Designed for extra absorbency and protection.

Why wool?
Wool is breathable, helping to maintain normal body temperature.  Wool can actually absorb a third of its weight in liquid before it feels wet.   

It's that time again!  Moms and Bums will once again be sponsoring the upcoming Mom to Mom Charity Sale being held on Mother's Day Weekend, Saturday May 7th from 9am to 1pm at Judith Nyman Secondary School (formerly North Peel).  Come on out and support Peel Children's Safety Village!

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